
We have studied numerically the states reached in a quench from various temperatures in the one-dimensional fully-connected Kotliar, Anderson and Stein Ising spin glass model. This is a model where there are long-range interactions between the spins which falls off as a power σ of their separation. We have made a detailed study in particular of the energies of the states reached in a quench from infinite temperature and their overlaps, including the spin glass susceptibility. In the regime where , where the model is similar to the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model, we find that the spin glass susceptibility diverges logarithmically with increasing N, the number of spins in the system, whereas for it remains finite. We attribute the behavior for to self-organized critical behavior, where the system after the quench is close to the transition between states which have trivial overlaps and those with the non-trivial overlaps associated with replica symmetry breaking. We have also found by studying the distribution of local fields that the states reached in the quench have marginal stability but only when .

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