
Like other countries, Romania exports labour permanently or seasonally. In the secondscenario, the question of the psychological price paid by children left at home arises. A number of answers have already been accumulated, but this natural experiment of occupational migration still off ers much room for investigation. Can the ontogenetic dynamics of childhood self-image act as a protective factor? Does the constellation of parental absence matter? How do the two variables interfere on global self-image/on sub-components? These are the stakes of the present study, carried out on a group of 175 preschoolers and young schoolchildren from the cities of Galați and Iași. We opted for one of the multidimensional paradigms of self-identity [11] and a 2x3 research design. There are two novelties, relatively counterintuitive, compared to other similar researches in terms of topic: - in the case of self-image, there are no diff erences between children with one absent parent and those with both parents present; - identification of the fact that participants with both parents present have a self-image centred on aggressive behaviour more accentuated than children with absent parents.

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