
This work will analyze the short story Hombre de la esquina rosada by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, in order to establish a relationship between the textual image created by Borges and the concept of Self-Figuration proposed by critic José Amícola (who builds upon the work of critic Sylvia Molloy). In order to further this analysis a brief historical review will be made, particularly focused on the appearance of Autobiography as a genre in the Eighteenth Century and its later consolidation in both Europe and Argentina during the Nineteenth Century. This historical relationship will be used to help analyze the concept of SelfFiguration in the specific case of Borges. Subsequently, this analysis will consider Borges' relationship with cutlers' stories, the relationship of these stories with larger literary tradition and, finally, the Argentine author's Self-Figuration in the tale "Man on the Pink Corner." Commentary from theorist Jesus Davila will also be used to analyze significant features of Borges' cutler's stories and identify elements of said stories which could contribute to Borges' Self-Figuration.

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