
The interaction of an atomic system with an unquantized electromagnetic field is studied by means of the Heisenberg-operator equations of motion. The electromagnetic fields created by the atom are taken into account by assuming that the charge and probability current densities are the actual charge and current source terms in Maxwell's equation. When Ehrenfest's theorem is written to order (1/c${)}^{2}$, the equations of motion are found to have a constant of motion that can be interpreted as stating that the sum of the atomic energy, energy of interaction, and energy stored in the electromagnetic field is constant. This constant of integration can be expressed as an expectation of a new semiclassical Hamiltonian that now includes the effects of the atomic self-fields to order 1/${\mathit{c}}^{2}$. This Hamiltonian is related to the classical Darwin Lagrangian. Since the new approximate Hamiltonian is the sum of an atomic and a field Hamiltonian, it provides a formulation of semiclassical radiation theory that is formally close to the usual formulation of quantum electrodynamics. A Schr\"odinger equation can be derived by applying the variational principle to the expectation of the new Hamiltonian. The result is a nonlinear integro-differential equation, in \ensuremath{\Psi}, which is somewhat similar to Hartree's self-consistent equation for a multielectron atom.When the Heisenberg equations are written to include the next-higher-order terms, 1/${\mathit{c}}^{3}$, it is found that the total energy of the atom and the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the atom decreases at a rate that is given by the Larmor power formula (2${\mathit{e}}^{2}$/3${\mathit{c}}^{3}$)(d〈v〉/dt${)}^{2}$, where 〈v〉 is the quantum-mechanical expectation of the electron's velocity operator. This approximate formulation of semiclassical radiation theory is applied to semiclassical calculations of atomic radiative shifts. It is then shown that, if some retardation effects are included to all orders of 1/c in the vector potential, the semiclassical analysis provides a formula for radiative energy-level shifts that are time dependent and that contain coefficients similar to the starting point of the Bethe calculation of the Lamb shift. The incorporation of mass renormalization in semiclassical theory is then discussed.

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