
Pekalongan City targets in 2019 all villages with ODF status, so that Pekalongan City can be 
 achieved 100% of open defecation. This strategic step must continue to be pursued, considering that 
 as of March 2019 there were still 14 villages that had not yet reached 100% ODF, namely: Kelurahan 
 Tirto, Pringrejo, Pasirkratonkramat, Kalibaros, Setono, Gamer, Panjang Baru, Panjang Wetan, 
 Padukuhan Kraton, Bandengan, Krapyak, Degayu, Jenggot and Sokoduwet (Dinas Kesehatan, 2019). 
 BABS behavior and unreachable pillars of STBM have an impact on the high increase in cases of 
 environmental-based diseases. The results of Restu Prasetyo, et al., 2017 in the Indonesian Population 
 journal found that 1 in 25 children under five suffer from diarrhea each year. This research method 
 uses qualitative design with in-depth interviews with key informants and triangulation totaling 28 
 people consisting of village heads and BABS actors at the research locus. Data collection is done by 
 in-depth interviews and observations. Data processing uses the stages of reduction, narrative building 
 and pattern matching. The results of the mapping of the causes of the problem of not achieving 100% 
 ODF at 14 loci due to 4 aspects (environment, behavior, and health services), in addition the results of 
 the study found two approaches to the acceleration of 100% ODF through behavioral engineerin g and 
 the application of Tripikon WC in areas with tidal conditions. Conclusion 1. The causes of BABS 
 (defecation) in Pekalongan City are three things seen from the environmental aspect (tidal conditions, 
 settlements close to streams or rice fields / gardens), behavior (the perpetrators are not accustomed to 
 using the family toilet) and also services health (there is still no massive BABS stop campaign, and 
 there is no elaboration from other agencies related to the achievement of ODF in Pekalongan City), 2.
 Two models are formulated, namely the behavioral engineering model and Tripikon toilet to 
 accelerate 100% ODF in Pekalongan City. Suggestions for adopting behavioral engineering models 
 and the application of Tripikon WC in rob affected areas require close collaboration and synergy 
 (Government, Community, Higher Education, and Private) to implement them.
 Keyword: Model, behavioral engineering, tripikon toilet, ODF


  • Pekalongan City targets in 2019 all villages with Open Defecation Free (ODF) status, so that Pekalongan City can be achieved 100% of open defecation

  • unreachable pillars of Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) have an impact on the high increase in cases

  • 28 people consisting of village heads

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Pekalongan City targets in 2019 all villages with ODF status, so that Pekalongan City can be achieved 100% of open defecation. Hal ini tidak hanya terkait dengan keberadaan sarana prasarana saja yaitu jamban maupun penyediaan air bersih, akan tetapi lebih kepada aspek Behaviour, yaitu perilaku masyarakat yang tidak kompromis dengan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, meskipun telah memiliki jamban masih banyak yang melakukan kebiasaan untuk buang air besar di sungai maupun kebun.

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