
The subject of the study is the self—awareness of a preschooler's personality. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the structure of self—consciousness of preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies and single-born preschoolers who have and do not have siblings due to the influence of special evaluation factors. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the self-consciousness of preschoolers in connection with the special social situation of development and the presence of siblings. The role of evaluative relationships in the development of self-awareness in preschool age is determined. Differences in the characteristics of self-consciousness of girls and boys of preschool age are revealed. Research methodology: cultural and historical approach (L.S. Vygotsky), concepts of self-consciousness of a preschool child (M.I. Lisina, V.E. Mukhina, R.H. Shakurov), the effect of twins R. Zazzo. The study involved 160 preschoolers, including 88 preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies, 72 single-born preschoolers. The existence of differences in the structure of self-consciousness of preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies and single-born preschoolers associated with the influence of special evaluative relationships within the social situation of development is theoretically substantiated and empirically proven. The main conclusions of the study are presented in the provisions. Preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies are characterized by a significantly lower level of self-esteem and self-acceptance in comparison with single-born preschoolers, which may be due to a special characteristic of the parent's evaluative relationships due to the social situation of development. For preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies, evaluative relationships of a parent of the same sex are significant for the formation of self-awareness.

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