
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi is one of the thinkers and reformers from Turkey who emerged as a figure of Sufism, the savior of faith and Islam in the 19th century. This research found a formulation of the self-actualization process that was different from the concepts of other scientists. According to Said Nursi, humans' self-concept consists of several natures: the rabbani nature, the nafsani nature, the spiritual nature, the physical nature, the tafakkur nature, and the tadhabbur nature. Some of these natures depend on the characteristics of the human soul journey, which cannot be separated from the fulfillment of worldly and spiritual needs and the ultimate need in the form of spirituality. Said Nursi's self-actualization positions as one of the alternative thinking frameworks based on the Koran, which goes through a four-step self-actualization process: through devotion to Allah by burying arrogance (abdun wa al-faqr), through the light of faith in God, through manifesting Asma-ul-Husna (Names of Allah) reflected in oneself, and by following the path of the Qur'an as the path of nature. Even Said Nursi repeatedly emphasized that every human being actually has the potential in the form of intrinsic faculties residing in his heart, soul, and intellect. Those popularly known as Al-Tafakkur, Tadhabbur, Al-'Ajz, Al-Fāqr, and Al-Shāfaqah are called spiritual innovations that lead to the development of tauhid to shape character and behavior towards perfect humans (Inshan Al-Kamil).


  • Psychology is a scientific discipline considered by some as an entity of scientific representatives, which is empirically factual

  • Franze Alexander has tried to connect the id, ego, and superego to neurosis and psychosis. It was built on Sigmund Freud's opinion to arrive at a very www.psychologyandeducation.net significant neurosis conclusion, describing the conflict between the ego and the id; psychosis between ego and the outside world; and narcissistic neurosis as a struggle between ego and superego

  • Said Nursi's position emerged as a reformer in the construction of "saving faith and Islam". He has a character of thought in favor of faith, understanding of the Al-Quran, the Last Day, and scientific integrality. He was a brave and persistent figure in fighting for Muslims in Turkey at the end of the Ottoman Empire, which sparked the idea of defending religion and socialsocial life, preventing humans from falling into an Methodology This research used Poul Ricoeur's hermeneutic technique through a self-actualization approach in humanistic psychology

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Psychology is a scientific discipline considered by some as an entity of scientific representatives, which is empirically factual. He has a character of thought in favor of faith, understanding of the Al-Quran, the Last Day, and scientific integrality He was a brave and persistent figure in fighting for Muslims in Turkey at the end of the Ottoman Empire, which sparked the idea of defending religion and socialsocial life, preventing humans from falling into an Methodology This research used Poul Ricoeur's hermeneutic technique through a self-actualization approach in humanistic psychology. Ricoeur's existential stage goes through a symbol, a semantic, and a reflective stage (Ricoeur, 1996:56) Data collection, both empirical (primary) in the form of Risālah Al-Nūr and those from literature (secondary) with self-actualization themes, was carried out before conducting the research. It was done so that the writer could understand the self-actualization concept in Said Nursi's thoughts through the Risālah Al-Nūr Book This initial data collection was certainly beneficial in enriching the writer’s ideas when conducting research that sought to find his works (Saifuddin, 2005:29). Humans are not created to accumulate material possessions and leisure, like animals

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