
Retarding grid and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry variable trap potential measurements are performed to determine factors that contribute to the kinetic energy distribution of ions formed in an electrospray source that uses a heated capillary for desolvation. The control of ion kinetic energies is achieved by manipulating the skimmer position in the postcapillary expansion and by varying the potential applied to the skimmer. The selective generation of either charge-dependent or charge-independent ion energy distributions is demonstrated. Charge-dependent energy distributions of electrosprayed ions are created by sampling ions near the Mach disk of the supersonic expansion and by using a larger diameter skimmer orifice; the FTICR spectra acquired under these conditions exhibit mass-to-charge ratio—dependent mass discrimination determined by the potential used to trap the ions. Charge-independent energies of electrosprayed ions are created by positioning the capillary adjacent to the skimmer to sample thermal ions and by using a smaller skimmer orifice to reduce expansion cooling; under these conditions ion kinetic energy is determined primarily by the skimmer potential and no mass-to-charge ratio—dependence is observed in the selection of optimum FTICR trapping conditions. The ability to select between proteins of different conformation on the basis of kinetic energy differences is demonstrated. For example, a 0.4 V difference in trap potential is observed in the selective trapping of open and closed forms of the + 10 charge state of lysozyme. Finally, it is demonstrated that by operating the source under conditions which deliver a beam of ions with charge-independent energies to the cell, it is possible to obtain precursor and production signal magnitudes in FTICR spectra without charge-dependent mass discrimination.

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