
Relevance. Bacteriophage preparations are a promising tool for the prevention and treatment of zoonoses. The effectiveness of the use of phage preparations at different stages of food production has been proven: in the cultivation of animals, in the processing of their slaughter products and in the sanitation of finished products from the causative agent of salmonellosis. The creation of an effective agent capable of protecting piglets from salmonellosis during a period of high risk of infection during weaning is an urgent task.Methods. To study the properties of bacteriophages, methods were used to determine: lytic activity (according to Appelman and Grazia), the spectrum of their lytic action, the range of specificity, the frequency of formation of phage-resistant forms, bacterial strains selected for their reproduction. The selection of phage strains that are promising for the manufacture of a preparation based on them for the treatment and prevention of pig salmonellosis was carried out according to the criteria recommended for the selection of industrial strains of bacteriophages.Results. A collection of 24 virulent Salmonella phages was formed. The study of their biological properties made it possible to select 4 strains of bacteriophages promising for the manufacture on their basis of a drug against swine salmonellosis.

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