
Article 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees proper, safe and healthy working conditions for every employee, according to Article 13 of the Law “On Labor Protection” the employer must ensure the functioning of the labor protection management system. Accordingly, the Concept approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 22.10. No. 432 of 2001, every enterprise, institution or organization (hereinafter – the enterprise) of any form of ownership, which uses the labor of employees in its activities, is obliged to comply with the necessary requirements established by the legislation of Ukraine, in order to guarantee the safety of work and the preservation of life, health and working capacity of employees in the process of work. In order to ensure healthy, safe and highly productive working conditions, improve working life, prevent injuries and occupational diseases, the company operates a health and safety management system, which is an integral part of the management system of the business entity. The occupational health and safety management system (OH&S) is a set of enterprise management bodies that, on the basis of a set of regulatory documentation, carry out purposeful, planned activities regarding the implementation of management tasks and functions in order to ensure healthy, safe and highly productive working conditions.To build an effective occupational safety management system, it is necessary to choose its optimal model. A scientific and applied problem is the choice of the most suitable system in the conditions of a particular enterprise. An analysis of the approaches available in international practice regarding the formation of health and safety management system models, taking into account quality management systems, environmental protection and social responsibility, was carried out. Recommendations aregiven for choosing a basic methodological approach that will contribute to the creation of an effective labor safety management system with the aim of ensuring safe and highly productive working conditions and creating a positive image of the enterprise.

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