
A lipoxygenase-free soybean mutant line (H70) induced by gamma ray was selected and its detailed information about the lipoxygenase was analyzed by comparison of DNA sequence. Soybean seeds contain three lipoxygenase enzymes, which induce a beany or grassy flavor. The elimination of lipoxygenases can reduce the poor stability and off-flavors of soybean oil and protein products. In this study, we selected a soybean mutant (H70) in which the three lipoxygenases had been mutated using gamma rays. To obtain detailed information about the lipoxygenase, we investigated the sequences of the Lox1, Lox2 and Lox3 genes in H70 compared to the original cultivar, Hwanggum. Comparisons of the sequences of the Lox1 and Lox2 genes in H70 with those in a line with normal lipoxygenase (HG) showed that the mutations in these genes affected a highly conserved group of six histidine residues necessary for enzymatic activity. Lox1 in H70 contained a 74bp deletion in exon 8, creating a stop codon that prematurely terminates translation. A single point mutation (T-A) in exon 8 of Lox2 changed histidine (H532, one of the iron-binding ligands essential for Lox2 activity) to glutamine. The mutation in the Lox3 gene in H70 was a single-point mutation in exon 6 (A-G), which changed the amino acid from histidine to arginine. This amino acid alteration in Lox3 was located in the N-terminal barrel, which might play a role in molecular recognition during catalysis and/or proteolysis. These results suggest that gene analysis based on DNA sequencing could be useful for elucidating the lipoxygenase content in soybean mutant lines. Additionally, the soybean mutant line selected in this study could be used to develop soybean cultivars with improved flavor.

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