
A data set of room temperature magnetic parameters for several iron oxides and sulphides was compiled from the available literature. The aim was to propose the most effective methods for assessing mineralogy, concentration and domain state within environmental magnetic studies. Establishing the magnetic mineralogy is essential for a correct interpretation of concentration and grain-size indicative parameters. Hematite and in particular goethite are recognised by their high (remanent) coercivities. The ratio of saturation remanent magnetisation to susceptibility is suited for assessing mineralogy; for low coercivity minerals, high values of the ratio are indicative of pyrrhotite. Greigite and maghemite both have intermediate ratios, while very low values suggest the presence of (titano)magnetite. From the concentration-dependent parameters mass specific susceptibility, saturation remanent magnetisation and susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetisation, susceptibility displayed the least grain-size dependence. Therefore, it is perhaps the best indicator of concentration, under the proviso of uniform mineralogy and when paramagnetic and diamagnetic contributions are taken into consideration. All minerals showed a decrease in coercivity and remanence ratios with increasing grain size for sizes larger than one micrometer. In contrast, the coercivity of goethite showed an increase with grain size. Assessment of domain state was complicated by very small and large grains displaying similar magnetic properties.

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