The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of spruce and larch bark for the production of cement-bonded composites. At the beginning of this research, the curing behaviour of the admixtures was quantified with temperature profiles when testing spruce, larch, pine and poplar bark, to determine the compatibility between the components of the bio-aggregates, to analyse the cement curing and to establish which bark species should be successfully included in cement bonded composites. Considering the results, it was observed that the average densities of 600–700 kg/m3 of bio-aggregates are 40–55% lower than that of established products on the market, although spruce and larch bark are in a similar range. The situation is different for the compressive strength, as larch bark showed up to 30% higher values than spruce bark. This study revealed also different hardening characteristics of the two cement types used as binders for spruce and larch bark. The results of this study demonstrated that tree bark of Picea abies and Larix decidua Mill. can be successfully utilized for the production of a cement-bonded composite material.
Using lignocellulosic resources combined with cement as raw materials for construction is an interesting topic of research
The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of spruce and larch bark for the production of cement-bonded composites
Considering the results, it was observed that the average densities of 600–700 kg/m3 of bio-aggregates are 40–55% lower than that of established products on the market, spruce and larch bark are in a similar range
Using lignocellulosic resources combined with cement as raw materials for construction is an interesting topic of research. WCC are used for the production of water- and fire-retardant as well as sound-absorbing materials for exterior construction applications These are included in the group of wood-cement panels (WCP) made from wood chips or particles of ligno-cellulosic residues or fibres [1]. Cement-bonded woodbased materials have been manufactured industrially for decades and include products such as particleboard, fibreboard, wood wool panels, as well as sound insulation elements and hollow blocks for primary use in construction [1]. In addition to wood particles, wood wool [14] and wood shavings [18], tree bark has been studied in cement composites. TThhee sseettuupp ffoorr tthhee hhyyddrraattiioonn bbeehhaavviioouurr wwaass aass ffoolllloowwss:: 1155 gg ooff kkiillnn--ddrriieedd bbaarrkk ppoowwddeerr ((sspprruuccee,,llaarrcchh,,ppiinnee,,ppooppllaarr)),,220000ggooff cceemmeenntt ((CCEEMMIIIIAA--LLLL4422..55NN,,CCEEMMII5522..55RR))aanndd9900ggooff wwaatteerrwweerree mmiixxeedd iinn aa paper cup (W//BBvvaalluueeooff00..4455,, tthhrreeee ssaammpplleess ppeerr bbaarrkk ttyyppee)). InInsusulalatitoionnbbooxx(l(eleftf)t)aannddppaappeerrccuuppss wwiitthh bbaarrkk--cceemmeenntt mmiixxttuurree ((rriigghhtt)) ffoorr hhyyddrraattiioonn tteemmppeerraattuurreemmeeaassuurreemmeennttss
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