
Unbiased estimates for certain binomial sampling problems with applications , M.A. Girshick, Frederick Mosteller, L.J. Savage.- On some useful 'inefficient' statistics, Frederick Mosteller.- A k-sample slippage test for an extreme population, Frederick Mosteller.- The uses and usefulness of binomial probability paper, Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey.- The education of a scientific generalist, Hendrik Bode, Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey, Charles Winsor.- Remarks on the method of paired comparisons: I. The least squares solution assuming equal standard deviations and equal correlations, Frederick Mosteller.- Remarks on the method of paired comparisons: II. The effect of an aberrant standard deviation when equal standard deviations and equal correlations are assumed, Frederick Mosteller.- Remarks on the method of paired comparisons: III. A test of significance for paired comparisons when equal standard deviations and equal correlations are assumed, Frederick Mosteller.- An experimental measurement of utility, Frederick Mosteller, Philip Nogee.- A mathematical model for simple learning, Robert R. Bush, Frederick Mosteller.- A model for stimulus generalization and discrimination, Robert R. Bush, Frederick Mosteller.- The World Series competition, Frederick Mosteller.- Principles of sampling, William G. Cochran, Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey.- Stochastic models for the learning process, Frederick Mosteller.- Factorial 1/2: A simple graphical treatment, Frederick Mosteller, D.E. Richmond.- A comparison of eight models, Robert R. Bush, Frederick Mosteller.- Optimal length of play for a binomial game, Frederick Mosteller.- Tables of the Freeman-Tukey transformations for the binomial and poisson distributions, Frederick Mosteller, Cleo Youtz.- Understanding the birthday problem, Frederick Mosteller.- Recognizing the maximum of a sequence, John P. Gilbert, Frederick Mosteller.- The distribution of sums of rounded percentages, Frederick Mosteller, CleoYoutz, Douglas Zahn.- The expected coverage to the left of the ith order statistic for arbitrary distributions, Barry H. Margolin, Frederick Mosteller.- Bias and runs in dice throwing and recording: A few million throws, Gudmund R. Iversen, Willard H. Longcor, Frederick Mosteller, John P. Gilbert, Cleo Youtz.- An empirical study of the distribution of primes and litters of primes, Frederick Mosteller.- A conversation about Collins, William B. Fairley, Frederick Mosteller.- Statistics and ehics in surgery and anesthesia, John P. Gilbert, Bucknam McPeek, Frederick Mosteller.- Experimentation and innovations, Frederick Mosteller.- New statistical methods in public policy. Part I: experimentation, Frederick Mosteller, Gale Mosteller.- Classroom and platform performance, Frederick Mosteller.- The clinician's responsibility for helping to improve the treatment of tomorrow's patients, Bucknam McPeek, John P. Gilbert, Frederick Mosteller.- Innovation and evaluation, Frederick Mosteller.- Combination of results of stated precision: I. The optimistic case, Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey.- Combination of results of stated precision: II. A more realistic case, Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey.- Allocating loss of precision in the sample mean to wrong weights and redundancy in sampling with replacement from a finite population, J.L. Hodges, Jr., Frederick Mosteller, Cleo Youtz.- Reporting clinical trials in general surgical journals, John D. Emerson, Bucknam McPeek, Frederick Mosteller.- Compensating for radiation-related cancers by probability of causation or assigned shares, Frederick Mosteller.- Methods for studying coincidences, Persi Diaconis, Frederick Mosteller.- A modified random-effect procedure for combining risk difference in sets of 2 x 2 tables from clinical trials, John D. Emerson, David C. Hoaglin, Frederick Mosteller.- The case for smaller classes and for evaluating what works in the schoolroom, Frederick Mosteller.- Frederick Mosteller and John

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