
Organophosphate pesticides Malathion used as pest control agent in agriculture, household, kitchen and other places. Malathion is found in market with different trade names. It is used with its action properties against various insects and pest. It is used with the largest group of poisonous substances that are widely broadcast today. Present study is based on the effects of different doses of Malathion on routine hematological parameters like RBCs, WBCs, Hb%, CT, PT, ESR, PCV, MCV, MCH, and MCHC. Four doses were selected according to the body weight of albino rats. The doses were selected as four types on the basis of per kilogram body weight of albino rat. They were 25, 50, 75,100 mg per Kg body weight for 7 and 15 days of treatment.The findings indicate that the above parameter fluctuates significantly as amount of dose increases. Hematological parameter indicates that the total body of the animals gets affected by the Malathion. It causes various other toxicological effects on the body of albino rats. There was a combined study of male and female albino rats.

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