
Nanotechnology is one of the areas used in industry and everyday life increasingly frequently.However, the physico-chemical nature of nanosubstances makes it necessary to determine not onlythe possibility of their use, but also the potential hazards that may be caused by those substances.One such hazard is fire safety. Nanoparticles may cause the risk of explosion, the occurrence anddevelopment of fire in an industrial plant. The results of research conducted on a selected sampleof manufacturers of products used in fire protection indicated, among others, of the inefficiency ofknowledge related to national and EU regulations (containing specific requirements) that can and/or should be applied and implemented by entrepreneurs. Additionally, legal regulations that definedirections of activities in industrial areas do not consider all aspects related to nanosubstances.It is therefore necessary to initiate a discussion and indicate the necessary actions that wouldallow the identification of a threat stemming from the presence of nanoparticles and the use ofnanotechnology during various activities in industrial plants. This will also increase the awarenessof managers in this area and those responsible for fire safety, including firefighting teams.

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