
A JOINT-STOCK COMPANY „Elektromreža Srbije“, as part of the electric power complex in Serbia, which conducts the activities of electric power transmission and transmission system management, is a significant factor in fire risk due to its importance for the operation of the electric power system and its extensive territorial distribution. This paper presents the organization, working methods, and activities of the Fire Safety and Protection Unit.. In addition to extensive tasks in establishing preventive fire protection measures within the legal minimum, internal regulations, and standards, along with the specifics of EMS AD (a large number of facilities, remote locations, high voltage, a large amount of flammable materials, fire extinguishing conditioned by the state of the power system, remote control systems, the position of the Fire Safety and Protection Unit within the organizational structure, etc.), it is focused on finding unique ways to address these issues. This paper showcases some of the specific solutions that are applied daily in the work of the Fire Safety and Protection Service, such as electronic checklists for implementing fire protection measures (inspecting fire safety conditions in facilities, monitoring welding, cutting and soldering works, inspecting fire control panels by EMS AD's Fire Safety personnel, service execution reports), an electronic work plan for the Service, integrated electronic fire detection and extinguishing systems, notification and response schemes in case of fire, etc. The result of this approach represents progress in more efficient implementation of preventive fire protection measures and management of fire risks that affect the processes of maintaining electric power facilities and fire protection systems."

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