
Seismic reflection and refraction studies in Lake Kinneret, which is located in the northern part of the Dead Sea Rift have been carried out. In the seismic reflection work several instruments including sparker, boomer and air guns were used. The acoustic penetration was limited, giving information on the uppermost sediments only. In the seismic refraction study the energy source was seismic explosives charges placed below the water table in shotholes located onshore at either end of two lines. The seismic signals were picked up by hydrophones and transmitted to the shore-based recording stations by special radio transmitters. The seismic refraction profiles show different sedimentary structures at various parts of the lake. The layer underlying the top sedimentary sequence is of higher seismic velocity in the northern section than in the southern section. This suggests a difference in the stratigraphic section between the two parts. Unconformities and faults which account for the structures observed here probably exist under the lake. The shallow reflection data indicate active tectonic processes in this area. Folds and faults have been observed in the uppermost sediments. The most deformed areas are along the margins but some deformation also occurs at the center of the lake in its deepest portion. The area is also seismically active.

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