
A of nonspecific ulcerative colitis in which the most distal part of the colon and the rectum initially are uninvolved was described originally by Bargen and Weber,2in 1930, as migratory chronic ulcerative colitis. The condition has been termed right-sided colitis, ulcerative colitis, and type 2 ulcerative colitis. The preferred name at present appears to be ulcerative colitis. The inflammatory process may be limited to the right side of the colon or to one or more parts of the colon, or it may extend continuously from the cecum into the sigmoid. Whatever the distribution and extent of the inflammatory process in the more proximal reaches of the colon, the part of the intestine accessible to proctoscopic examination is entirely normal initially. As is true of regional enteritis, the treatment of segmental colitis was considered at first to be primarily surgical. The involved part of the

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