
Conditions in Serbia are favorable for the successful cultivation of high-quality varieties of yarrow. The paper examines the germination of seeds of four species of the genus Achillea (A. clypeolata, A. coarctata, A. crithmifolia, A. millefolium), which grow wild in the Pirot County, in order to investigate their potential cultivation. The seeds were first placed in Krstić’s germinator for germination without prior stratification, where, apart from A. crithmifolia seeds, the seeds of the other species did not germinate. After maintaining the seeds for 24 h in a refrigerator, treatment with hot water and a 20% solution of bleach had a favorable effect on the seed germination of all four Achillea species, especially white-flowered yarrow (A. crithmifolia and A. millefolium). In particular, pouring hot water on A. crithmifolia increased the germination energy by 65% and seed germination for 43.8%, while the seed of A. millefolium, reach the germination energy increased 78% and germination 81%, so this type of seed treatment is recommended before sowing.

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