
A Late Pennsylvanian mixed carbonate-clastic sequence is exposed in the Hueco Mountains of west Texas. The sequence begins with deposition of a progradational fan-delta system and marine and tidal-flat carbonates. This unit is dominated by calclithite and shale with minor interbeds of shallow-water calcareous mudstone and wackestone. Shallow-water spiculites are commonly associated with these limestones. A thick carbonate unit composed predominantly of limestone overlies the clastics; it was deposited during or just after a major local transgression. The carbonate sediments were deposited on the submerged delta platform in the following sequence: (1) colonization of the shallow platform by rugose corals and early (or syndepositional) cementation of the zone; (2) establish ent of shallow-water dasycladacean algal flats; (3) increasing domination of the environment by phylloid algae in response to increasing water depth; (4) accretion of phylloid algal sediments and formation of mounds (directly overlying the dasycladacean algal flats are a number of small mounds formed by accelerated sedimentation within phylloids algal meadows. The high productivity of the phylloid algae and their sediment-trapping ability allowed sedimentation to keep up with sea level rise. Large bioherms resulted, but because of the difference in accretion rates of various mounds, some grew while others were buried by more successful neighbors); and (5) reestablishment of shallow-water dasycladacean algal flats as a result of shoaling of mound crests and subsequent increased sediment tion in deeper, quieter water on the lee side of the mound complex. End_of_Article - Last_Page 517------------

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