
The research is devoted to scientific and applied aspects of economic security in the global information space of business entities. Modern determinants of economic systems affect the nature of the transformation and direction of changes in digitalized management technologies, the formation of the security system. The authors analyze the approaches to the interpretation of economic security and identify the following approaches: protective, resource-functional, technical-digitalization, subject-object, information, system, economic-legal and strategic. The study formalizes the strategic, effective and resource levels of security of economic systems. Creating the necessary prerequisites for economic security should be based on an effective system of measures with the necessary legal, resource, organizational and informational basis. This, in turn, involves the formation of an optimal system of economic security, which should take into account social and national values, territorial and sectoral specifics, the nature of the communication infrastructure of the global information space. Analysis of the theoretical foundations of systemic management of economic security allowed to determine the following principles: development, adaptability, unity, competence, economic feasibility, efficiency, complexity, legality. Management of economic activity of enterprises in a separate global information space implies the existence of a certain mechanism, the use of which will allow to obtain optimal results of production activities, to provide favorable conditions for this. The authors propose a mechanism to ensure the sustainable development of the economic security of the enterprise in the global information space. This allows at the enterprise level to ensure compliance with the principles and implementation of measures for sustainable development of economic systems in the global information space.

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