
Abstract: The internet of things is the ability to mechanically transfer knowledge over a network. IIoT has been wide enforced in industries like manufacturing and F&B. To meet the difficult paradigms of wireless device networks like Energy potency and accommodative mechanism, the device nodes are increased with IoT support. IoT allows streamlining of information that may manage and monitor the industrial activities within the sensing space. Security issues arise within the space wherever IoT is used. There is a need for a information sharing system which should be directly implemented on the required field of the IoT system. The functions to be performed between the individual and the IOT system are generated as a set of functions in the IOT information sharing system. In order for the users to share the transactions within the system a storage database called a blockchain is used, this blockchain stores all the processed transactions and keep them safe from any adversaries. These information’s are stored and are available for each and every user or the nodes in the network. These informations are stored in the form of a public ledger which in turn can be easily modified and restored by all the user that are using ths system. as the intermediate proxies are used as a result secutity issues with the CoAP messages will rise which can be nullified by the use of Object Security of CoAP (OSCoAP) an IETF draft

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