
The advancement of computer science and communication technologies is being enabled by something called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is being used in many fields, so maintaining its Security is becoming an increasingly important concern. The IoT industry as a whole is going to be significantly impacted as a result of this. This study examines the IoT security problem at the IoT system's perception, network, and application levels suggests a secure way to build IoT and explains how to make it safe based on the problems that already exist in the IoT framework. The study begins with the concept of IoT, its characteristics, and how it functions as a system. Finally, the theoretical foundations necessary to construct a trustworthy IoT security system will be presented. The IoT will enable inanimate things to participate in human activities. IoT security is notoriously difficult to handle because items are often integrated into the control procedures of more complicated systems. In practice, the IoT is a complicated paradigm in which people interact with a technological ecosystem based on intelligent devices via various complicated procedures. Interactions between a person, an intelligent object, a technical environment, and a process show IoT security's cognitive and systemic components.

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