
This work aims to analyze the relationship between security and peace and their present conditions in Latin America, based on the research of these issues in international publications in various media and data collection indicators available in studies with statistical reliability. There is also the goal of obtaining a set of indicators in the light of existing jobs and new contributions that may show the “state” of present Security and Peace conditions in Latin America and infer about the future of such conditions, with a view to proposing actions between and within countries of the region. The Security-Peace binomial presents us with a fundamental question regarding the relationship of cause and effect - the safety results from the peace or peace is a consequence of security? Independent-minded succeed or not answer this question we have to consider that the two factors have impacts on the wellness of the human being. Equal opportunities and valuing life are fundamental principles that pave the road to full citizenship in Latin America, and without which it won´t make sense any attempt to try to achieve security and peace. The Security Commission Hemispheric of the Organization of American States Permanent Council emphasizes in a recent meeting (March 2000) that among the premises for reformulation of the hemisphere’s security concept are “the need to recognize the close links between security, development and consolidation of democracy as well as the historical relationship between peace and democracy”. We are hence at a very special moment of our historical trajectory, where notorious disrespect for human rights are a frequent threat to populations of Latin American countries. Initiatives to education, focusing on children and youth, with heavy use of art and science, may make all the difference and create today a future of peace and security, based on fraternity among all peoples.


  • What benefit could bring all the wealth of a human being if it lacks peace and security?Catherine Salles, in her book In Underworlds of Antiquity comments about life in the slums of Rome in the beginning of the II century B.C.: “Crowded in unsound and unhealthy housing, the inhabitants of the slums are exposed to all the dangers that nature or society does not cease to generate”.After all this time we could see that this reality of the ancient world is still present today in the big cities of Latin America, where fear is present in all social classes

  • According to CHEYRE (2015): “in the 70’s begins what we can characterize as a gradual expansion of the traditional concepts of security and defense that arises when we identify in the world and in Latin America, threats to the security in a large scale than those who so far have been facing

  • It’s like a teenager region, between childhood and maturity, where most countries are still suffering internal crises that results from high deficiencies in governance levels; there is no happiness in the absence of security and peace and there is no peace and security in the absence of a “culture for peace”

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Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre segurança e paz e suas condições atuais na América Latina, com base na pesquisa dessas questões em publicações internacionais em diversos meios e indicadores de coleta de dados disponíveis em estudos com confiabilidade estatística. Há também o objetivo de obter um conjunto de indicadores à luz de empregos existentes e novas contribuições que possam mostrar o “estado” das atuais condições de Segurança e Paz na América Latina e inferir sobre o futuro de tais condições, com vistas a propor ações entre e dentro dos países da região. A Comissão de Segurança Hemisférica do Conselho Permanente da Organização dos Estados Americanos enfatiza em uma reunião (março de 2000) que, entre as premissas para a reformulação do conceito de segurança do hemisfério, são “a necessidade de reconhecer os estreitos vínculos entre segurança, desenvolvimento e consolidação da democracia como bem, como a relação histórica entre paz e democracia “.

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