
The application of internet of things (IoT) is not only in mobile devices and computer applications but it also plays a virtual role in the industrial automations to interconnect smart cars, cities, buildings, electrical grids, homes, gas, and water networks, etc. IoT is emerging as a game changer for automation companies by offering new opportunities in the areas of collapse, streamline, creating system architecture which provides better efficiency, affordability, and responsibility in terms of increasing problem-solving capability, operations, and productivity. The autonomous devices find its applications in many areas such as autonomous vehicles (AVs) (self-driving vehicles), Robo-Taxis, Vehicle Platooning, Autonomous Shops, Weather Forecasting, etc., are at the heart of research areas in the academic as well as in the industrial sectors. This is because the recent autonomous applications have its advantages in a wide spread areas such as reduced congestion, 82improved safety, greater mobility, and lower emissions. Now a days the technology using in an autonomous devices known as internet of autonomous things (IoAT) has gained its foothold in most industrial applications. IoAT technology makes the device capable of functioning independently and interact with machines and human in the surrounding environment to take the decision with the help of computer system. The interaction between the real-time computing elements and physical systems would be accomplished by exploiting recent development in computer science, communication, and information technologies known as cyber-physical systems (CPS). The CPS uses software as a key factor to perform autonomy with the help of algorithms and take critical decisions for the significant performance. The combination of IoT with autonomous systems reduces the dependency on cloud servers, adjust their functions with the help of local information. However, security in automation industries is a growing challenge as a result of the significant increase in reliance of functionalities of semi-autonomous systems, potential attack surfaces, heterogeneity, and interaction of resources in modern infrastructure. Hence, presently solving security issues in on automation has evolving as a real-time problem. This chapter discusses about the various advantages and challenges of CPS and IoT systems in real time autonomous applications and how to overcome security issues related to autonomous applications.

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