
This study represents a system of experiments and data accompanied by scientifi c and methodological interpretations, of attachment patterns. Secure attachment is considered by many authors to be a source of parental competence. These quintessences express both, the conception of parental education and their attitude towards the typical child or the child with disabilities. Studies show that some parents adapt better than others to the child’s particularities. The family, specifi cally, off ers the child the climate of emotional security and is the fi rst social group in which the child practices social behaviors and discovers himself.


  • This study represents a system of experiments and data accompanied by scientific and methodological interpretations, of attachment patterns

  • Secure attachment is considered by many authors to be a source of parental competence

  • În familie însuşim un anumit tip de comportament, pe care îl practicăm nu doar faţă de figurile impunătoare ale familiei, cele cu autoritate, dar şi faţă de persoanele care deţin puterea, în general [8, p.93]

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This study represents a system of experiments and data accompanied by scientific and methodological interpretations, of attachment patterns. Ataşamentul se referă la crearea unei legături speciale dintre mamă și copil. Sunt legături de viaţă şi moarte, legături necesare în majoritatea familiilor, ele existând nu doar pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor de bază ale copilului mic, dar şi pentru a furniza acestora exemple despre cum se relaţionează cu alţi indivizi sau grupuri din afara familiei.

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