
Secularism is one of the world's warnings regarding religious matters. In the context of secularism education, which can be interpreted as the wrong information between general education and religious education. This understanding seeks to eliminate Islamic religious values in education. The practice can be started from the design of an educational curriculum that is dry from religious values, as happened in the Western world. This text aims to explore the secularization of thought that exists in the world of education, especially in Indonesia. By using descriptive analytical methods, this study found several important conclusions. Secularism has entered and has a major influence on the dynamics of life, especially in education. Secular educational institutions have indoctrinated students, further away from religious values. The implication is that students no longer consider religious teachings to be important, the worse impact is that students are allergic to religious teachings. Transcendental values in religion are lost, moral decency occurs everywhere, manners are no longer visible, respect for parents, teachers are absent, students tend to be anti-helping, bullying occurs at anyone and ages. In addition, the impact of education secularization gives birth to students who are lazy, undisciplined, easy to complain, and like to commit criminal acts. More than that, when they have finished their studies, they will grow up to be dignified and arrogant figures, irresponsible politicians, capitalist economists, and so on.

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