
This article identifies the most vulnerable locations in the beaches south of the city of Lima, between Lurin and Pucusana, caused by a potential increase in sea level as a result of climate change. The research was based on the adaptation and application of the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) of Gornitz et al. (1991). Originally, CVI index focuses on physical variables. However, human variables were also included because the study zone is a densely populated area with constant growth in commerce, services, industries and urban constructions projects. The coastal zone south of Lima hasn’t been studied thoroughly before, so to address it systematically, six variables were identified. The following three physical variables were considered: slope, geomorphology and coastal line variation; as well as the following three socioeconomic ones: distance to infrastructure, land use and population density. The integration of the six variables in the IVC allowed the study to categorize four different degrees of vulnerability of the coastal sector (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low). The results of this investigation showed that, from the thirteen spatial units of analysis evaluated, those with very high vulnerability were: Senoritas, Embajadores and Pucusana and those with very low vulnerability were Lurin, Quebrada and the Roca sector. The application of these two types of variables showed that the socioeconomic factors contribute to the increase of vulnerability of the coastal zone while the physical variables contributes to the decrease of it.


  • El presente estudio recibió apoyo financiero de la Dirección de Gestión de la Investigación de la PUCP y fue ganador del PADET (2015-6-0074)

  • The research was based on the adaptation and application of the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) of Gornitz, White and Cushman (1991)

  • CVI index focuses on physical variables

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Área de estudio

El área de estudio corresponde a la margen occidental central del Perú, bajo la influencia de la Corriente Peruana o de Humboldt. Su ubicación corresponde a los distritos de Lurín, Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra, San Bartolo, Santa María del Mar y Pucusana. Con respecto a las características geológicas y geomorfológicas, la zona de estudio presenta amplias costas arenosas y pedregosas, playas en medio del desierto costero, lomas, cerros y colinas. Por socavamiento y erosión se han formado acantilados en su mayoría subverticales, cuyo retroceso se debe a la acción de las olas, como el caso entre San Bartolo y Pucusana al sur (Palacios et al, 1992). Con respecto a las características socioeconómicas, la zona de estudio comprende una población total de 91 192 personas, de las cuales 88 987 pertenecen al área urbana y 2205 personas viven en un medio rural, según datos del INEI (2007).

VARIABLES Geomorfología
Asentamiento comercial disperso
Coordenadas UTM
Bartolo María jadores sana
El Silencio
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