
Secondary particle (neutron, proton, pion and heavy ion) yields and energy release data for 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, 800 and 1100 MeV neutron collisions with H, C, N, O, Al, Si, Ca, Fe and Pb have been calculated using the intranuclear-cascade-evaporation model. The low-energy limit is discussed and compared with the ENDF/B-IV neutron data. The mean elastic recoil energies have also been estimated by means of the Ranft formula for angular distribution. The multigroup response functions (kerma factors and production cross-sections) have been obtained and applied calculating the energy deposition and particle yields in the deep-penetrated graphite and iron spheres. The results for energy deposition of the ANISN neutron transport code using a high energy cross-section library and the derived kermas are about 10% overestimated relative to the thick-target results from the high energy particle transport code HETC. In the neutron transport discrete ordinates calculation the secondary production is underestimated when comparing with the HETC code.

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