
The study of medical discourse is one of the key problems of cognitive-communicative grammar, since the sublanguage of medicine - with all its forms and means of expression and general use - is an integral part of any national language. The analysis of professional speech in various communicative situations is of interest to both Ukrainian linguists and researchers of other Slavic languages. The goal of scientific research is to investigate the ways of creating secondary nominative units in medical discourse and to establish their types according to various characteristics. The article summarizes various reasons for the creation of secondary names in modern linguistics, defines the role and significance of the secondary nomination in the process of replenishing the vocabulary of the modern Ukrainian language. The emergence of secondary nominations is caused by both intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. The creation of such names is due mainly to changes in society, which contribute to the deepening of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the real world, the principle of linguistic economy when creating new words, and emotional and expressive factors. The primary nomination, based on object-sensory perception, is a generalization of social experience and the creation of a conceptual level of knowledge, the secondary nomination generalizes linguistic evidence. The main methods of research are: method of component analysis, method of modeling, method of associative experiment and method of cognitive analysis. Conclusions. The role of secondary nomination as a text category is defined, in particular in binary contrasts. It was found that metaphorization is the most productive means of creating secondary names in medical discourse. A typical way of creating secondary names of persons is suffixation as an ancient and traditional way of creating words. The advantage of secondary suffixed names over official foreign terms is that they are more understandable primarily to patients

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