
Centella asiatica is one of wild plant that widely used from nature. Conservation efforts for environmental sustainability and utilization of medicinal plants has been existing but very limited. Medicinal plant, Centella asiatica as a biomass potential is not only harvested from the nature but also cultivated to obtain uniform quality. Some chemichal content are saponins compound such as asiaticoside, madecassoside and asiatic acid. The study was conducted in lowland and highland of North Sumatera. The materials is pegagan accession, Labu Beach, Deli Serdang, Kabanjahe accession, Berastagi accession, and Samosir accession. Tools used are waters alliance type of HPLC system, auto sampler 2695, photodiode array detector 996, coulomadsorbosphere C18 5μ, size 250 x 4.60 mm, UV absorbance, wavelength 210 nm, a flow rate 1.8 ml/min, injection volume 20 mL, and Empower Pro software. The results showed that the pattern of centelloside (asiaticoside, madecassoside and asiatic acid), when the content of one of bioactive compounds is high then otherwise be lower or biosynthetic pattern toward a compound needed. Age of Pegagan affect the content of centelloside. Centelloside pattern is influenced by growing medium condition, very high phosphorus content, and centelloside biosynthes is toward asiaticoside.

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