
We have discussed the capability of the soft-SAFT equation of state (EoS) to predict second order thermodynamic derivative properties of pure fluids in a recent paper [F. Llovell, L.F. Vega, J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006) 11427–11437]. The goal of this work is to extend these calculations to selected binary mixtures. The equation was applied in a semi-predictive manner: the pure component molecular parameters needed to apply soft-SAFT to experimental systems were obtained by fitting vapor–liquid equilibrium data and used, without further fitting, to calculate isochoric and isobaric heat capacities of selected alkane + n-alkane and n-alkane + 1-alkanol binary mixtures; isentropic compressibility coefficients and the speed of sound of selected n-alkane + 1-alkanol mixtures were calculated following the same procedure. We have used the crossover soft-SAFT equation which explicitly incorporates a renormalization group term in order to take into account the long range fluctuations appearing in the near critical region. Soft-SAFT was able to capture the qualitative behavior of the mixture properties studied, for a wide range of conditions, showing quantitative agreement with experimental data in some of the cases. As a further test to the equation, we have also calculated excess properties. The equation was able to capture the non-ideal behavior upon mixing experienced by these properties. This work shows the robustness of the molecular parameters and the equation to calculate properties not included in the fitting procedure, in a predictive manner.

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