
Generating dipolar order under magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions is explored for different pulse sequences and dipolar-coupling networks. It is shown that under MAS second-order dipolar order can be generated reliably with 10% to 30% efficiency using the Jeener-Broekaert sequence in systems where the second-order average Hamiltonian is a (near) constant of the motion. When using adiabatic demagnetization and remagnetization, second-order dipolar order can be generated and reverted back to Zeeman order with up to 60% efficiency. This requires a maximum field strength with a nutation frequency that is less than one-quarter of the rotor frequency, and that the spin system can be properly spinlocked under such conditions. A simple coherent description accounts for the principal features of the spin dynamics, even using the smallest possible system of three coupled spins. For the systems investigated, the lifetime of second-order dipolar order under MAS was found to be on the order of T(1).

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