Based on the principle of phase velocity ta- pering or stepping output circuit, using the phase velocity variation of the output circuit, four kinds of nonuniform output circuit models have been presented in broadband helix Traveling-wave tubes (TWTs). Taking an example of 6-18GHz, 100W broadband helix TWT and using the im- proved one-dimensional large signal program, second har- monic suppression performances have been studied by cal- culating the quantitative relationship between fundamental efficiency, second harmonic output power, and the stepping (tapering) position and strength of phase velocity variation for the four kinds of nonuniform output circuits. From the research results of backward wave and second harmonic suppression feature in two kinds of nonuniform output cir- cuits, we obtained the design principle of phase velocity stepping or tapering, which could suppress the Backward wave oscillation (BWO) and reduce the output power of second harmonic for broadband high-power helix TWTs.
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