
The purpose of this research is to describe the profile and level of psychological resilience of adolescents living at social shelter. This research is using quantitative, cross-sectional design, descriptive approach and the population is adolescents who live at social shelter in Jakarta and Bekasi. Due to the explorative nature of this study and lack of the acurate data about total amount the teenagers, the sample of this research is taken by using convenience sampling technique across 12 Social Shelter in Jakarta and Bekasi. The sample of the study is 200 Adolescents. Adapted scale of resilience by Connor – Davidson was used for measure resilience level and descriptive statistic was used for the analysis. The result of this research found that 46.5% of participants have high resilience and 52.5% has moderate level of resilience. Whereas, only 1% who has low level of resiliences. Based on the analysis from each dimension, the highest dimension of resilience is in the domain of “Personal Competence” and the lowest one is on “Tolerance of Negative Affect”. This result implied that to developing resilience program for adolescents at social shelter, it is needed to help them develop their ability to overcome the negative affect.


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai profil dan tingkat resiliensi psikologis pada remaja di panti asuhan

  • describe the profile and level of psychological resilience of adolescents living at social shelter

  • the population is adolescents who live at social shelter in Jakarta

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Tingkat Pendidikan SD SMP

Alat ukur CD-RISC yang digunakan oleh peneliti sudah melalui proses adaptasi (Mujahidah & Listiyandini, 2018). Koefisien reliabilitas yang pernah di ujicoba terakhir kali adalah pada sampel remaja umum yang memiliki corrected item total correlation sebesar 0,3 – 0,5 dan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar α = 0,88 (Mujahidah & Listiyandini, 2018). Pada penelitian ini melakukan uji coba kembali terhadap 157 remaja umum dengan hasil nilai reliabilitas yang baik yaitu sebesar 0,952 dan memiliki rentang validitas aitem sebesar 0,485 –. Secara keseluruhan aitem pada alat ukur ini dianggap valid dan layak digunakan karena memiliki koefisien korelasi pada kolom corrected item total correlation diatas 0,2 (Nisfiannoor, 2009). Berdasarkan nilai tersebut, maka alat ukur dapat dikatakan reliabel dan dapat digunakan dalam penelitian

Kategorisasi Resiliensi
Kategorisasi Rendah Sedang Tinggi
Negative Orang Lain
Tingkat Pendidikan
Kesimpulan dan Saran Kesimpulan
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