
Drinking water wells on a riverbank filtration sites are exposed to contamination from farmlands (like pesticides) that had migrated from the contaminated river. In this study, pesticide contamination of the Warta River and riverbank filtration water at the Mosina-Krajkowo well field (Poland) were examined during the annual cycle. Among the 164 pesticides analysed, 25 were identified. The highest concentrations occurred in the river water and decreased along the flow path from the river to wells. Only the most persistent substances were detected at the farthest points. During the study, seasonal changes in pesticide concentrations and differences in the types of occurring substances were observed. Most substances and the highest concentrations were detected in May 2018, while the lowest number and the lowest concentrations were detected in February 2018. Spring is the period of increased exposure of water to pollution, which is correlated with increased pesticides use and increased rainfall. Seven toxic and persistent pesticides were found with the highest concentrations in water: isoproturon, nicosulfuron, imidacloprid, terbuthylazine, chlorotoluron, S-metalachlor, and prometryn. Pesticides are widely used in the study area; therefore, a potential health risk assessment was performed. The hazard quotient (HQ) values did not exceed one, which indicated a less significant health risk.

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