
Fish behavior often varies across a species’ distribution range. Documenting how behaviors vary at fringes in comparison to core habitats is key to understanding the impact of environmental variation and the evolution of local adaptations. Here, we studied the behavior of Wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in Lake Möckeln, Sweden, which represent a European northern fringe population. Adult individuals (101–195 cm, N = 55) were caught and externally marked with data storage tags (DSTs). Fifteen DSTs were recovered a year after tagging, of which 11 tags contained long-term high-resolution behavioral data on the use of vertical (depth) and thermal habitats. This showed that the catfish already became active in late winter (<5 °C) and displayed nocturnal activity primarily during summer and late autumn. The latter included a transition from the bottom to the surface layer at dusk, continuous and high activity close to the surface during the night, and then descent back to deeper water at dawn. During the daytime, the catfish were mainly inactive in the bottom layer. These behaviors contrast with what is documented in conspecifics from the core distribution area, perhaps reflecting adaptive strategies to cope with lower temperatures and shorter summers.

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