
Abstract Extreme heat events are becoming increasingly common, and the short‐term acclimation of photosynthesis will have a large impact on plant performance. Trees in lowland tropical forests, which are hypothesized to have limited abilities to tolerate rising temperatures, may need to rely on short‐term acclimation of their more plastic traits, like photosynthetic thermal tolerance, to persist in the face of increasingly variable climates. Here, we investigated seasonal acclimation of thermal tolerances in plant species of the moist Amazon. Specifically, we measured the photosynthetic thermal tolerances of six common woody Amazonian species at the beginning and at the end of the dry season to determine the species' abilities to acclimate to intra‐annual changes to climate. In addition, we used the natural thermal gradient present at our research site to test the acclimation of individual plants to maximum air temperatures not currently observed elsewhere in the moist lowland Amazon (up to ~43°C). Between seasons, there were significant overall increases in the thermal tolerances of three species (i.e. higher thermal tolerances in the hotter dry season), suggesting that leaf megathermy is prominent in these species. Also, three species acclimated their thermal tolerances to microsite‐level differences in seasonal temperature maxima, suggesting closer fidelity between leaf and air temperatures (i.e. limited homeothermy) for these species. Our results show that some woody species from the moist Amazon can acclimate their thermal tolerances over short time‐scales, although acclimation is likely insufficient to overcome thermal stress during extreme temperature events. Some species may therefore be more sensitive to heatwaves than others, which could impact survival and composition of tropical lowland forests into the future. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.

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