
The Anastasia Mosquito Control District, which manages mosquitoes in St. Johns County in northeastern Florida, has observed that the maximum numbers of the salt marsh mosquitoes, Aedes taeniorhynchus and Ae. sollicitan appeared to shift or change relative to each other, as evidenced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light trap data in the past 17 years. The aim of this study was to analyze environmental data to identify and explore these changes. Data from CDC light traps, temperature, rainfall, and tidal levels were analyzed using ANOVA. Analyses showed the 2 species had maximum abundance at different temperatures, which translated into seasonal differences with peaks of Ae. taeniorhynchus in the summer and, to a lesser extent, later in the year, and Ae. sollicitans with a peak in the autumn. This seasonal pattern was reflected in rainfall (more rain in autumn than in summer) and also, in the general area, in tidal levels (mean highest tide levels at the recording station were in autumn). The research demonstrated that simplifying the mosquito data, initially using only very high trap numbers (Mean ± 2 SD) that are important for control, identified, and made the seasonal pattern very obvious. The pattern was also observed using all the data but, although significant, was not as clear. Having identified tide as a potential driving variable, further research needs to detail spatial tidal patterns to identify areas and timing of flooding and explore the relationship between salinity and mosquito species and abundance. This is important as sea levels rise and climate changes, both potentially changing the mosquito situation and affecting control actions.

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