Searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model are performed using the p-p LHC data collected with the ATLAS detector in 2011 at 7 TeV and in 2012 at 8 TeV centre-of-mass energy. Various production modes for supersymmetric (SUSY) particles are considered: strong production of squarks and gluinos, weak production of sleptons and gauginos, R-parity violating decays and long-lived particles. No significant deviation from the Standard Model processes is observed and limits are set on different flavours of SUSY, such as cMSSM/mSUGRA, pMSSM, GMSB and AMSB. Searches for exotic models for BSM physics are performed, probing for a large variety of well-motivated models, such as heavy gauge resonances, excited fermions, extra-dimensions, exotic Higgs models and new quarks. As in the case of SUSY searches, no excess is observed above the SM background and limits are obtained for the models mentioned above.
The Standard Model of particle physics is still to this day the best description of matter and forces in our universe
Precision measurements of various parameters of the Standard Model, which are more sensitive to new physics phenomena, continue to orient the searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM)
The searches for SUSY in ATLAS are divided into main categories: strong production, searching for squarks and gluinos, weak production, looking for sleptons and gauginos; longlived particles, which are stable massive particles that cross the detector at a low velocity, and R-parity violating (RPV) production, where the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP) is allowed to decay to SM particles
The Standard Model of particle physics is still to this day the best description of matter and forces in our universe. The searches for SUSY in ATLAS are divided into main categories: strong production, searching for squarks and gluinos, weak production, looking for sleptons and gauginos; longlived particles, which are stable massive particles that cross the detector at a low velocity, and RPV production, where the LSP is allowed to decay to SM particles. Several of these searches were recently updated with 8 TeV results, as pointed out in the following. Models with RPV terms added to the Lagrangian [18] allow for LSP decays, creating event signatures with large lepton multiplicities as well as fully hadronic three-jet resonances
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