
Amidst the vigorous development of technology in the Malaysian education scene, the emergence of seamless learning is steadily fitting into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) teaching and learning settings, particularly in English as a Second Language (ESL) context. At the moment, seamless learning is paving its way for a more effective ESL practice. Seamless learning has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning by enriching the opportunity of continuous learning. Seamless learning offers the ability for learners to learn whenever they are triggered to especially with the aid of technological tools such as mobile devices. The implementation of technology has continuously shown its advantages to both students and educators. Thus, there is a strong assumption for the concept of seamless learning to be able to produce similar outcomes. This conceptual paper will discuss a few issues revolving the theme of seamless learning for ESL learning which include seamless learning theories followed by the effectiveness of implementing technology for an ESL seamless learning experience. The paper continues and ends with the discussion of seamless learning for ESL learning beyond the classroom. The discussion undertakes a review of past literature in the context of ESL from recent years. This paper will help in providing a clear understanding of seamless learning as well as highlighting the potentials of creating ESL learning beyond the classroom.

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