
With the globalising of education, discourse about the teaching of ESL (English as a second language) has contested ‘old’ literacy teaching and learning. Innovative approaches to language have changed perspectives about teaching and learning English in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and paved the way for ‘new’ developments of literacy practices. Yet, STEM education for ESL leaners is still standing in a disjuncture between the global digital forms of communication and traditional practices. This paper draws upon recent literature investigating the teaching of English for ESL learners to engage in a robust discussion about ESL teaching practices in STEM education. It presents some of the issues facing ESL teachers and learners, as well as the knowledge and skills that ESL practitioners must acquire and integrate into their classroom practice to successfully address these arising challenges. This paper presents a need to change the current pedagogical practices in STEM Education to consider ESL learners’ needs in today’s globalising and digital society, particularly in the midst of the rapid and continually evolving changes due to COVID19.

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