
Xenophon’s data about the ethnic composition of Armenia has been repeatedly examined in the professional literature, and the researchers have often expressed opposing opinions about the ethnogeographical realities of Ancient Armenia. We have touched upon these issues, too, which allowed us to examine the information given by Strabo that caused disagreements. The examination of the ancient sources shows that a part of the tribe called Iranian Phasians lived in the vicinity of the present-day city of Poti in Western Georgia, and Armenian Phasians were located in the upper courses of the Yeraskh River and the sources of the Ułtis River. The existence of Phasians in the north indicates that the Phasians established in Armenia having moved from the Caucasus and most likely settled in Anpayt Basean initially, gradually spreading to the south, to Basean, firmly retaining their name in the canton name. During their invasions the Scythian tribes also settled in different parts of Armenia: the Phasians in the canton of Basean, and the so-called Asii Scythians in the canton of Aseatspor. Moreover, the Asian Asii and Pasiani indicated by Strabo can be considered the Central Asian branch of the Asii and Phasians mentioned in Armenia. What is important both in Xenophon’s and Strabo’s accounts is that the mentioned tribes are mentioned side by side, with almost the same names, and are considered the Scythian people. During the Scythian invasions, the Scythian Asii and Phasiani tribes, settled in the Armenian Highland had already assimilated with the Armenians by the end of 5th century BC and kept their name only in geographical names. As for Strabo’s information about the Central Asian Asii and Pasiani tribes, these were also Scythian tribes and some part of them lived in Armenia, Western Georgia and the North Caucasus

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