
Background. Analyzing the adaptive potential of cultivated barley with the aim of using new genotypes selected and developed in the process of work is a priority trend in scientific research. The Ethiopian barleys adapted to a variety of soil and climate conditions are characterized by many valuable biological and agronomic traits. Of particular value are genotypes that combine resistance to harmful organisms and environmental stressors.Materials and methods. The collection accessions of Ethiopian barley possessing powdery mildew resistance were studied for tolerance to adverse edaphic factors (chloride salinity and high content of toxic aluminum ions in the soil). Resistance to abiotic stressors was assessed in laboratory experiments. In the study of salt tolerance, a ‘roll-based’ assessment technique was used, which takes into account the inhibition of root growth under salt (NaCl) stress conditions, compared with the reference conditions without salinization. Aluminum sensitivity of barley accessions was diagnosed in the early stages of plant development using the root test.Results and conclusions. A polymorphism of Ethiopian barleys for resistance to adverse edaphic factors was revealed. Twentyone new sources of barley resistance to toxic aluminum ions were identified, of which accessions k-8552 and k-22933 were classified as highly resistant. Accessions k-17554, k-19975, k-20029, k-20048, k-22752, k-23450 and k-25009 proved resistant to soil salinization. Barley accessions k-17554, k-22752 and k-25009 were characterized by complex resistance to powdery mildew, toxic aluminum ions, and chloride soil salinity.


  • Analyzing the adaptive potential of cultivated barley with the aim of using new genotypes selected and developed in the process of work is a priority trend in scienti ic research

  • The Ethiopian barleys adapted to a variety of soil and climate conditions are characterized by many valuable biological and agronomic traits

  • The collection accessions of Ethiopian barley possessing powdery mildew resistance were studied for tolerance to adverse edaphic factors

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Многими ценными биологическими и агрономическими качествами характеризуются ячмени Эфиопии, адаптированные к разнообразным почвенно-климатическим условиям. Сочетающие устоичивость к вредным организмам и стрессорным факторам среды. Исследовали устоичивость к неблагоприятным эдафическим факторам (хлоридное засоление, высокое содержание в почве токсичных ионов алюминия) коллекции образцов ячменя из Эфиопии, характеризующихся резистентностью к мучнистои росе. Диагностику алюмочувствительности образцов ячменя проводили на ранних этапах развития растении с использованием корневого теста. Выявлен полиморфизм ячменеи Эфиопии по устоичивости к неблагоприятным эдафическим факторам. Выделен 21 новыи источник устоичивости ячменя к деиствию токсичных ионов алюминия, из них образцы к-8552 и к-22933 отнесены к группе высокоустоичивых. Образцы к-17554, к-19975, к-20029, к-20048, к-22752, к-23450, к-25009 устоичивы к засолению почвы. Комплекснои устоичивостью к мучнистои росе, токсичным ионам алюминия и хлоридному засолению почвы характеризуются образцы ячменя к-17554, к-22752 и к-25009

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