
Background. The most rational way to reduce barley crop losses from diseases, pests and adverse edaphic factors is cultivation of resistant varieties. The specificity of the host– pathogen interactions necessitates a constant search for new donors of resistance for breeding, and phytosanitary monitoring of cultivars.Materials and methods. The research material comprised 248 barley cultivars included in the State Register of Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage in the Russian Federation – 168 were developed domestically, and 80 by foreign breeders. Their resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust was studied in under laboratory and field conditions. Barley cultivars distinguished for powdery mildew resistance were analyzed using molecular markers. In the laboratory, barley was screened for greenbug resistance. To study the sensitivity to toxic aluminum ions in barley, we used the laboratory method for the early diagnosis of the trait – the root test method.Results and conclusions. Field and laboratory screening revealed a fairly wide diversity of barley cultivated in Russia in terms of resistance to harmful organisms and the edaphic stressor. It was established that 24 barley cultivars were resistant to powdery mildew, and 14 accessions were carriers of the effective mlo11 allele. Two cultivars manifested combined resistance to powdery mildew and barley leaf rust. In 11 cultivars, a distinct greenbug resistance was revealed. High resistance to toxic aluminum ions according to the root and sprout length indices was observed in 26 cultivars. Accessions with the complex resistance to harmful organisms and the edaphic stressor were identified.


  • The most rational way to reduce barley crop losses from diseases, pests and adverse edaphic factors is cultivation of resistant varieties

  • Barley cultivars distinguished for powdery mildew resistance were analyzed using molecular markers

  • Barley was screened for greenbug resistance

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The most rational way to reduce barley crop losses from diseases, pests and adverse edaphic factors is cultivation of resistant varieties. The research material comprised 248 barley cultivars included in the State Register of Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage in the Russian Federation – 168 were developed domestically, and 80 by foreign breeders Their resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust was studied in under laboratory and field conditions. Описано свыше 100 генов, контролирующих устойчивость ячменя к мучнистой росе, большая часть которых является аллельными вариантами локусов Mla и Mlo. Так, известны 39 аллелей гена Mla (хромосома 1Н) и 44 – Mlo (хромосома 4Н) (Jørgensen, 1994; Seeholzer, 2009; Reinstädler et al, 2010; Kusch, Panstruga, 2017). Обыкновенная злаковая тля (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) – один из самых распространенных вредителей зерновых, причем ячмень наиболее предпочитаем насекомыми (Schwessing, Wilde, 1979). Цель настоящей работы – оценить диапазон изменчивости допущенных к использованию в России сортов ячменя по устойчивости к мучнистой росе, карликовой ржавчине, обыкновенной злаковой тле и токсичным ионам алюминия

Материалы и методы
Литературный источник
Результаты и обсуждение
Украина nutans
Оценено растений
Индекс длины корня ростка
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