Twenty Peas (Pisum sativum L.) varieties/ lines were evaluated against Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum .Sp.pici by sowing them in sick plot during the year of 2016-17 at the Plant Pathology Research Institute, Faisalabad. Each cultivar/line was planted in a single row of three meter length, with plant to plant and row to row distances of 15cm and 30 cm respectively and replicated thrice by following Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Out of these twenty varieties/ lines 13 including check variety Olympia were found highly susceptible ranging from 53.2 to 83.5% plant mortality. Six varieties/lines were susceptible ranging from 30.3 to 44.1 % plant mortality. Only a single variety Garrow performed as moderately resistant by showing 21% plant mortality in the field. Efficacy of five fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum .Sp.pici, at various concentrations was evaluated in-vitro and significant variations among treatments was observed. 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