
Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the antivenom action of minerals from two plants on the biochemical parameters of rabbits.
 Methodology: For its realization, thirty-six (36) rabbits including nineteen (19) males and seventeen (17) females were divided into three portions (E1, E2 and E3). In each portion, there are different batches with three rabbits per batch. So, for E1, each rabbit of the control lot and those of the experimental lot were collected separately in the red tubes (dry tubes). However, those from the experimental batch were injected 20-30 minutes after the injection of Naja nigricollis venom. For E2, each rabbit in a given experimental batch was first scarified with a specific potion initially prepared and then separately harvested the following day. Then, each animal was separately envenomed and then separately sampled. In E3, the same procedure of E2 was observed with the only difference that this time, each animal of a given experimental lot was first separately envenomed and then scarified with a precise potion previously prepared and subsequently collected three days later. All the blood samples taken in the various red tubes were transported in a cooler for the determination of biochemical parameters.
 Results: The venom has a dose-dependent action on the red blood cells in vitro, whereas the in vivo tests highlighted in a general way, the stabilizing and preventive action of the minerals from the potion P2 (Mucuna pruriens), P3 (Pongamia pinnata), P4, P5 and P6, and the curative action of P1 and P3 (Pongamia pinnata) on some biochemical parameters. Indeed, their action was manifested by the survival of some envenomed animals with a greater activity for P3.
 Conclusion: For the development of an antivenom, it would be advisable to use more Pongamia pinnata because of its effectiveness both preventively and curatively.

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