
Ascochyta blight is caused by Ascochyta rabiei, one of the most prevalent chickpea diseases worldwide. Losses could reach as high as 100%, and this damage could significantly affect both seed quality and production. The most effective way for the management of this disease is genetic resistance. Seventeen chickpea varieties/lines were screened against a virulent isolate of Ascochyta rabiei in controlled environmental conditions. Advance Line-2, Bittle-2016, and Noor-2009 within the germplasm exhibit a moderately resistant reaction. TG-1415 and Advance Line-1 demonstrate a moderately susceptible response. On the other hand, Noor-2013, Star-Channa, and Rohi display a highly susceptible response. In the poisoned food technique among applied treatments at 50 ppm, Diphenoconazole proved be best, with a 46% reduction in the growth of the pathogen, followed by propiconazole and Azoxystrobine+Diphenoconazole with 45.5 % and 45%, respectively. In the mean while in glasshouse evaluation at 50ppm, Diphenoconazol proved best with a minimum disease severity of 24%, followed by propiconazole and Metalaxyl with a 25.9% and 27% reduction in disease severity, respectively.

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