
The current stage of the society's development is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of scientific and technical information, an acceleration of information exchange among its producers and consumers, a reduction in the time for introducing the results of scientific research into production, and an increasingly close cooperation of all participants in research and production processes. Apparently, these trends are long-term, so they will have a significant impact on all spheres of life related to scientific and technical activities of a person, including the system of higher technical education, which must respond in a timely and adequate manner to the changed demands of society. It is becoming increasingly obvious that there is a need to solve a complex of didactic problems related to the specification of goals, the selection of content, the search for methods, forms and means of training that would prepare young professionals for professional activity in the conditions of continuous updating of professionally relevant information. The formation of a scientific concept is considered as a process of development of the level of generalization of the studied concept from the primary to the generalization of the corresponding scientific concept. The technology and methods of formation of scientific concepts in students of a technical university are presented, the corresponding methodological recommendations, sample questions and tasks at different stages of concept formation are given. The materials of the article can be useful for teachers of professional educational institutions working with students of technical training areas.

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